Wednesday, August 19, 2015

M.E.R.D.E.K.A to the letter


Potong bawang dengan menghiris
Diletak atas piring kaca
Puisi MERDEKA berbahasa Inggeris
Jika free jemput baca 


M.E.R.D.E.K.A to the letter

Malaysians continue living in peace and harmony, respecting one another, irrespective of religion, race and economic status.

Establish transparent process flow and standard operating procedures in all government departments and agencies so as to avoid or minimise the perception of corruption.

Relationships between one another should be based on love and mutual respect.

Develop workable contingency plans for emergencies or crises arising from natural disasters.

Effectiveness and efficiency should be taken seriously by all Malaysians in whatever work we do, wherever we are.

Knowledge should form part and parcel of our life. Refrain from imposing on others, forcing them to take actions based on our opinions, which may not be right.

Attitude of all Malaysians should be constructive as well as industrious.

4 Zulkaedah 1436H


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