Friday, September 25, 2015




Here at Arafah on 9 Zulhijah, Muslims from all over the world gather for the starting of wukuf, the first among the compulsory rituals of the Hajj.

Asking for forgiveness from ALLAH is on the top of the mind for all Hajj pilgrims.

Jot down specific things that you want to ask from ALLAH while at Arafah. The same items can be used at other holy places, such as the vicinity of the Kaabah and Raudhah.  

Just cry and ask anything from ALLAH on this day at Arafah. HE hears you. HE knows what is in your heart.

Islam is the religion of peace. Muslims prove this to the world year after year during the Hajj season.

Spend your time productively while in Arafah. Pray to ALLAH and recite the al-Quran as much as you can afford to.

Arafah was the place where Prophet Muhammad SAW delivered his last sermon on 9 Zulhijah, 10 Hijrah. Among others, he asked Muslims to perform the Hajj if they are capable of doing so.

Relationship between you and ALLAH can be enhanced. Here in Arafah, you pray and ask for forgiveness from HIM over your past sins.

All your efforts and thinking while in Arafah must be concentrated in planning to be a better Muslim after this Hajj.

From the bottom of your heart, pray that ALLAH will place you in heaven in the hereafter.

Another time, you may not be able to be here again in Arafah. Thus, make full use of your presence here. You must be grateful that you become ALLAH’s guest today.

Hajj epitomizes the journey on earth. On this plain of Arafah, you can consider as your nearest relationship with ALLAH

11 Zulhijah 1436H

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Air mata di Arafah


Puisi air mata di Arafah
Berita Harian siarkan sudah
Kepada pembaca ia persembah
Perkongsian ilmu disukai ALLAH 


Tahun Hijrah datang dan pergi
Bulan terakhir Zulhijjah sekarang di sini
Berjuta umat Islam di Makkah hari ini
Menunggu ketika melafazkan niat haji

Wajibnya haji bagi yang mampu
Ramai mengerjakan buat kali pertama
Wukuf di Arafah segala fikiran tertumpu
Berusahalah bawa isteri pergi bersama

Dari Makkah perjalanan menuju Arafah
Jemaah berteduh hanya di dalam khemah
Wukuf bermula zohor Sembilan Zulhijjah
Hati dan fikiran hanya mengingati Allah

Hari wukuf hanya untuk beribadat
Dunia dilupakan seketika untuk akhirat
Berdoa kepada Allah penuhi segala hajat
Air mata mengalir amatlah lebat

Mengutip batu ketika mabit di Muzdalifah
Di Mina melontar dan tahallul di Jamarah
Kembali ke Makkah untuk tawaf di Baitullah
Selepas sa’ie ibadat haji selesailah sudah

Perjalanan terakhir menziarahi kekasih Allah
Melawat makam Nabi yang berada di Madinah
Solat di Masjid Nabawi termasuklah Raudhah
Pulang ke Malaysia selepas wada’ dengan Rasulullah

5 Zulhijjah 1436H

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Puisi air mata di Arafah


Di utara ada Negeri Perlis
Johor pula terletak di selatan
Saya baharu belajar menulis
Jemput baca jika berkesempatan

2 Zulhijah 1436H

We can add value to nation



Potong bawang dengan menghiris
Diletak atas piring kaca
Puisi MALAYSIA berbahasa Inggeris
Jika kelapangan jemput baca

Malaysia will continue to be a great nation with contributions from everybody. Let us do something that adds value to the nation.

Ability of Malaysians is plentiful. If we harness their capabilities, the light at the end of the tunnel is certainly very bright.

Love as demonstrated by the majority of citizens towards the country will propel the nation forward and safeguard it from external threats.

You are part of this great nation. Together, we have to think outside the box on how we can help Malaysia move up to the next level. Share our success stories with the outside world.    

Self-respect of our leaders must be taken seriously. Leaders who give false hope or make illogical promises to the people make themselves liabilities to this beloved nation.

Integrity of political and corporate leaders must be intact. Those who are perceived as lacking in trustworthiness or are having dubious character are a setback to the country.

Attitude of expecting something for free without any or minimal effort must not become part of our Malaysian culture. We can get what we want, if we are ready to work hard and fast to get it. 

2 Zulhijah 1436H


Monday, September 7, 2015

Pantun perihal pemimpin


Ruzy berasal dari Serian
Sekarang bekerja di Bandar Kuantan
Pantun disiarkan Sinar Harian
Jemput baca jika berkesempatan

(1) Pemimpin Agung

Fitri rajin pergi ke sekolah
Waktu petang mencari buah
Pemimpin agung baginda Rasulullah
Bijaksana dan tidak rasuah

(2) Pemimpin Bertakwa

Repin tinggal di Kota Permai
Solat Jumaat di Masjid Negeri
Pemimpin biasa memang ramai
Yang bertakwa sukar dicari

(3) Pemimpin Islam Melayu

Tanpa air pokok layu
Biasa disiram selepas makan
Bersatu pemimpin Islam Melayu
Tahap penghasilan dapat dipertingkatkan

(4) Pemimpin Munafik

Pandir bekerja membuat parang
Dia membela seekor keldai
Sifat pemimpin munafik sekarang
Merasa diri terlebih pandai

(5) Pemimpin Berbohong

Didik berasal dari Sabah
Bapanya kerja menanam padi
Pemimpin berbohong kerap gelabah
Mereka banyak masalah peribadi

(6) Pemimpin Tidaklah Sentiasa Betul

Naik komuter pergi ke Sentul
Beli tiket terlebih dahulu
Pemimpin tiada sentiasa betul
Tidak pula salah selalu

23 Zulkaedah 1436H