Monday, August 31, 2015

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kebangsaan 2015


Membaca dan menulis memanfaatkan masa,
Tinggal di Shah Alam sudah tentunya selesa,
Selalu ingat Allah yang maha Esa,
Hidup kita insya-Allah terpelihara dari bencana 


16 Zulkaedah 1436H

Thursday, August 20, 2015



Kalau tuan pergi ke Melaka
Jangan lupa beli durian
Jemput baca puisi Merdeka
Disiarkan oleh Berita Harian


Malaysia damai tanah airku
Membangun pesat semenjak Merdeka dahulu
Mengapa harus bertelagah soal hala tuju
Marilah kibarkan Jalur Gemilang tanpa jemu

Eratkan silaturahim tautkan kembali
Esok atau lusa waktu menanti
Eksperimen keharmonian tidak perlu lagi
Edarkan rasa kemesraan bermula dari hati

Rukun Negara perlu difahami semua
Rasa cintakan negara tersemat di dada
Rangsangan ekonomi dan pelajaran kenalah peka
Rancang perbelanjaan agar hidup selesa

Dahulu kita kesana kemari berjalan kaki
Deretan pelbagai kenderaan suasana kini
Di darat laut dan udara tidak sunyi
Dalam suasana aman dirasakan semua ini
Eloklah kita bermuhasabah diri
Efisien dan efektif serta berintegriti
Elak dari suka menuding jari
Ego dan riak perlulah dijauhi

Keamanan tanah air tidak datang percuma
Keringat pasukan keselamatan diingat sentiasa
Kesungguhan mereka mempertahankan kedaulatan negara
Kita dan kerajaan hormati pengorbanan mereka 

Akan daku taati pemerintah dipilih rakyat
Agama diikuti nescaya hidup tidak sesat
Amalan keluargaku gaya hidup sihat
Allah jua tempat kami memohon berkat

5 Zulkaedah 1436H

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

M.E.R.D.E.K.A to the letter


Potong bawang dengan menghiris
Diletak atas piring kaca
Puisi MERDEKA berbahasa Inggeris
Jika free jemput baca 


M.E.R.D.E.K.A to the letter

Malaysians continue living in peace and harmony, respecting one another, irrespective of religion, race and economic status.

Establish transparent process flow and standard operating procedures in all government departments and agencies so as to avoid or minimise the perception of corruption.

Relationships between one another should be based on love and mutual respect.

Develop workable contingency plans for emergencies or crises arising from natural disasters.

Effectiveness and efficiency should be taken seriously by all Malaysians in whatever work we do, wherever we are.

Knowledge should form part and parcel of our life. Refrain from imposing on others, forcing them to take actions based on our opinions, which may not be right.

Attitude of all Malaysians should be constructive as well as industrious.

4 Zulkaedah 1436H


Sunday, August 16, 2015



Sesungguhnya pertemuan yang ikhlas Allah rahmati
Walaupun ini adalah yang pertama kali
Cuma beberapa orang di antara kami
Yang lainnya insya-Allah datang di lain hari 

Zainal berinitiatif sebagai tuan rumah
Minggu hadapan akan berangkat ke Makkah
Mengerjakan haji juga akan ke Madinah
Pemergian kali kedua tidaklah dia gundah

Dari kiri:  Zainal, Abdul Rahman, Kamaruddin, Mustaffa, Prof. Umi Sarah

Kami dahulunya kursus lain kelas sama
DIC dan RPT empat tahun lamanya
Ada gelaran diberi bermacam nama
Hanya sekadar memeriahkan suasana

Kami bersembang dan makan minum sedikit
Tergelak bila cerita lama diungkit
Rasa kemesraan dan hati tercuit
Betullah rahmat Allah setinggi bukit

Dari kiri: Prof. Umi Sarah dan suami Prof. Rosli, Zainal (tuan rumah), Rosli, Kamarruzaman, Kamaruddin, Mustaffa, Abdul Rahman

Solat asar berjemaah sebelum beredar
Zainal dan keluarga tersenyum lebar
Berita perjumpaan berikutnya akan disebar
Sama-sama kita menunggu dengan sabar

 Dari kiri: Ariffin (Group Admin.), Zulkifli, Zainal

1 Zulkaedah 1436H

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Fortifying a castle


Beli baju di Gedung Jakel
Baju bercorak bunga siantan
The STAR siarkan artikel
Jemput baca jika berkesempatan

 Fortifying a castle

If you and the family are planning to go for a holiday in Britain, it is highly recommended that you include Cardiff as part of your travel itinerary. With a population of 335,000, it is the capital city and business heart of Wales. The landmark of Cardiff is Cardiff Castle, situated in the middle of the city. This building boasts more than 2,000 years of history.

In the Welsh language, Cardiff is known as Caerdydd. It is interesting to note that the current heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, is officially known as the Prince of Wales.

I made the first visit to Cardiff in September 1988, together with my wife and two daughters. At that time, my wife Dr. Rokiah was pursuing her doctoral degree at Cardiff University. When my two daughters, Dr. Sarah and Syazana went for a holiday in London in December 2008, they visited Cardiff and the castle again. Recently, our family visited Cardiff for the third time.

The Romans arrived in Wales in 76 CE and built a 3.2ha fort on the banks of the River Taff in order to help them hold the land newly won from the fierce Silures of South Wales. After the Romans, the Normans arrived in Cardiff centuries later and built their castle on the site of the old Roman fort and incorporated what remained the work of their predecessors’ work.
The Norman Keep still dominates the castle grounds. As attacks by the Welsh tested the castle, it was strengthened and improved over several years. Days of strife returned during the English Civil War when Cardiff Castle was held first by the Royalists and later by the Parliamentarians.

Years of decay followed, but in the last century, the third Marquis of Bute appointed a Victorian architect William Burges, to restore the castle. The colourful and lavish interiors created by Burges continually surprise and delight visitors who enter a grim castle which had otherwise seen only battles, to find themselves surrounded by exquisite wood carvings and sculptures, and murals that tell of the castle’s long history.

Today, Cardiff Castle is a tourist attraction, drawing visitors all over the world. A visit there is quite delightful and educational.
The attractions in the Cardiff Castle include the Museums of The Welch Regiment and The Queen’s Dragoon Guards – a fascinating display of military history.

Visitors can join for a traditional Welsh Banquet. A café and a gift shop are also available on-site. The castle is open to visitors from 9am to 5pm.

The castle was handed over to the City of Cardiff (declared as a city by Queen Elizabeth II in 1956) by the Bute family in 1948. It is close to the parks, hotels and shopping complexes as well as bus, taxi and railway stations.

If you’re visiting Cardiff for the first time, then you should first visit the Cardiff Tourist Information Centre (Canolfan Croeso Caerdydd, in Welsh) to get more information about the city. It is located at The Old Library, Working Street, The Hayes. It is open seven days a week (9.30am – 4pm), except from Dec 24-26 and on Jan 1.

Moving around in Cardiff is so easy. You can take the buses or taxis; they’re reliable. Telephone numbers of taxis are easy to remember, for example – Premier Cars (555 555); Capital Cabs (777 777); and Dragon Taxis (333 333).

Before leaving Cardiff, you may want to do some quick shopping. The shopping areas are located at Queen Street, Queens Arcade, St David’s Shopping Centre, High Street Arcade and The Capitol.

If you have a few extra hours to spare, then I would suggest a visit to the Mermaid Quay, Wales Millennium Centre and the Roald Dahl Plass (or Plaza Roald Dahl) – they’re located at the Cardiff Bay.  

 The Norman Keep still stands strong in the middle of Cardiff Caste grounds

30 Syawal 1436H

Friday, August 7, 2015

AL HAJJU ARAFAH (Buat bakal Haji 1436H)




(Buat bakal Haji 1436H)

Bumi Malaysia: 1 Zulhijah

Sebelum bertolak jemaah duduk diam

Solat sunat musafir semasa di rumah

Mulakan perjalanan dengan berpakaian ihram

Jemaah haji dan umrah tetamu Allah

Tempat melapor di Kompleks Haji Kelana Jaya

Saudara mara datang pada satu masa

Perasaan di hati amat membara

Moga haji mabrur dapat dirasa

Jeddah/Makkah: 2 Zulhijah

Tiba di Makkah terasa lesu

Perjalanan dari Jeddah hampir lima jam

Ibadah umrah dikerjakan dahulu

Sebab haji tamattu’ jadi pilihan

Makkah: 9 Zulhijah

Ibadah haji bermula dari Makkah

Berpakaian ihram menuju Arafah

Berniat haji dalam bas sambil bertalbiah

Air mata mengalir pipi pun basah

Arafah: 9 Zulhijah

Wukuf di Arafah rukun utama haji

Tempatnya rasa kalainan menduga hati

Berdoa untuk diri anak-anak dan isteri

Pipi basah lagi tanpa henti

Ya Allah ampunkanlah dosa-dosaku yang lalu

Juga dosa-dosa kesemua ahli keluargaku

Kepada Engkau sahaja tempat kami mengadu

Tulislah nama-nama kami dalam syurga-Mu

Muzdalifah: 9 & 10 Zulhijah

Selepas isyak dari Arafah kami keluar

Mabit di Muzdalifah buat sebentar

Kawasan sempit dan sedikit berpagar

Mengutip batu secukupnya untuk melontar

Mina: 10-13 Zulhijah

Tinggal di Mina dalam khemah

Prasarana mencabar jemaah masih berhemah

Empat hari melontar serta tahallul di Jamrah

Sebelum menaiki bas pulang semula ke Makkah

Mina/Makkah: 13 Zulhijah

Dari Mina ke Makkah hampir sejam

Bolehlah mandi dan makan juadah

Mengerjakan tawaf dan sa’ie haji di waktu malam

Ibadah haji 1432H sempurnalah sudah

Makkah: 6 Muharram

Tawaf wada’ dilakukan tanpa gopoh gapah

Tibalah masanya meninggalkan Makkah

Menaiki bas lagi menuju Madinah Munawwarah

Untuk menziarah Rasulullah kekasih Allah

Madinah: 6-15 Muharram

Solat di Raudhah dalam Masjid Nabawi

Satu solat kebaikan seribu kali

Tinggal di Madinah selama sepuluh hari

Suasana tenang memohon reda Ilahi

Wada’ dengan Nabi Muhammad dilakukan sudah

Kerinduan padamu sepanjang hayat

Selamat tinggal wahai Rasulullah

Berilah syafaat kepada kami di akhirat

Kamaruddin Hassan,

Shah Alam, Selangor

22 Syawal 1436H